nissan-240sx-1445 In by cutt356February 1, 20188 Comments Vehicle Details Make Year 12-2024 Vehicle Description TrenchRacing Related Posts:nissan-240sx-2466nissan-240sx-1532nissan-350z-985nissan-skyline-967nissan-skyline-898nissan-240sx-2424nissan-240sx-6336nissan-240sx-2667 TrenchRacing Related Posts:nissan-240sx-2424nissan-240sx-6336nissan-240sx-1532nissan-skyline-898nissan-350z-985nissan-240sx-2466nissan-skyline-967nissan-240sx-2667
January 31, 2018 Reply dama its a miata, the shogun frony bumper slopes out like that and the headlights were shaved …. ever see any 240s with that style of front side glass? nope
January 31, 2018 Reply skit I own a 240sx and thats not a 240. Definately a Miata cuz my bros mom has a miata done up with the exact same body kit.
Thats not a mazda look at the front end its to long for a mazda
its a miata, the shogun frony bumper slopes out like that and the headlights were shaved …. ever see any 240s with that style of front side glass? nope
thats a MAZDA MIATA it is no 240sx.
I own a 240sx and thats not a 240. Definately a Miata cuz my bros mom has a miata done up with the exact same body kit.
holy HELLLLL that looks nice
its tony the tigers car….
how u gonna compare dat shit to a 240