honda-crx-5662 In by loll325February 1, 201814 Comments Vehicle Details Make Model CRX Year 12-2024 Vehicle Description TrenchRacing Related Posts:honda-crx-1376honda-crx-2476honda-crx-2188honda-crx-1403honda-crx-1406honda-crx-2314honda-crx-3231honda-crx-1700 TrenchRacing Related Posts:honda-crx-1700honda-crx-2314honda-crx-2476honda-crx-1403honda-crx-1406honda-crx-3231honda-crx-1376honda-crx-2188
January 31, 2018 Reply djsq Nice rex but PLEASE whatever it takes, ditch that spoiler!!! Its completely taking away from the nice lines of a 2nd gen CRX.
January 31, 2018 Reply MAGU if the crx was lifed a litle bit from the rear it would make a big difference.
January 31, 2018 Reply adai ditch the spoler and give it a little lift on the rear it looks like its dragging its ass.
Nice rex but PLEASE whatever it takes, ditch that spoiler!!! Its completely taking away from the nice lines of a 2nd gen CRX.
nice but spoiler sucks ass
it looks pretty ok but take out the spoiler and put different rims on it
I love the crx but the color gots to go
if the crx was lifed a litle bit from the rear it would make a big difference.
what is this car doing here
this is an ugly ass car.
i think it fast
tha wing kills it
I Think the CXx is Normal for DragRace :))
that color is very nice
ditch the spoler and give it a little lift on the rear it looks like its dragging its ass.